An absolute rebel born in Ireland. An excellent intelectual brain gifted with a sharp tongue. Hard not to laught at his witty sense of humour and wonder about his ideas. Meet Mr. Wilde and his world.

pondělí 5. března 2012

"We teach people how to remember, we never teach them how to grow."

This time I should introduce more or less Mr Wilde and his motives behind this particular piece, though I think I have done it partially in every single post before. Probably, it'd the best to simply tell you more about his life - briefly focusing on the intriguing stuff rather than on dull, hard-to-swallow info about his life time.

REMEMBER: an Irish playwright,  poet and an author of many novels and short stories. He was homosexual - unacceptable in his time society, hence he was imprisonned for awhile. You may found his grave in Paris where he exiled. During his life he was recognized as an ANARCHIST with a name associated with scandels and intrigues.

1. He came from an intellectual family - his mother also a playwright and a socialist organised countless intellectual reunions at their estate in Dublin. Wilde's father knighted for services to medicine

2. Attended Trinity College in Dublin, later accepetd ti Oxford after 2 years lost interessed in pursuing his studies at hte university and moved to London.

3. During his studies at Oxford, he was in particular popular due to his aesthetic and decadent movements - wore long hair and  openly dispiced manly sports, decorated his romm with peacock feathers, lillies, sunflowers and other objects of d'art.

4. Throughtout  the period of his life when he resided in  London,Wilde became famouse because he was famous - one of the early celebrities

5. Married - 2 sons

6. Homosexual - 2 years in jail

7. Never openly admitted any interest in politics, but generally supported the ideas of socialism.

Much of his work had to be influenced by his revolutionary orientated mother and intelectual father who had supported Wilde. Owning to his innate wit, lingusitic talent and hawk eyes he had the capacity to reasonably critisize and elegantly ridicule the Victorian society. Wilde could easily see through humans' surface and noctice the real nature of things.

For those who have found this post interesting and would like to learn more about Wilde's life.

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